Story for kids in hindi soch lion and magical bungalow
Story for kids with moral शेर और जादुई बंगला in hindi soch
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Story for kids with moral |
हेलो दोस्तो आपका स्वागत है hindi soch पर और मैं हु आपका दोस्त मुंगेरी ढालिया।दोस्तो आज मैं आपके लिए एक नई कहानी लेकर आया हूं Story for kids hindi ये कहानी बच्चों के लिए है। इसका टाइटल है Story for kids in hindi शेर और जादुई बंगला। तो चलिए शुरू करते है।
Story for kids in hindi with moral शेर और जादुई बंगला
एक गांव था वहाँ पर सुरेंद्र नाम का आदमी अपनी बीवी और बच्चों के साथ रहता था।वो ज्यादा अमीर नही था वो मटके बनाकर बेचता था और अपने परिवार का पालन करता था।
कई बार उसके मटके नही बिकने की वजह से उनको भूखे भी रहना पड़ता था।
एक दिन उसके एक भी घड़ा नही बिका वो ये सोचकर कि जब वो घर जाएगा तो अपने बीवी को क्या जवाब दूंगा पहले ही दो दिन से उनको भरपेट खाना नही मिला था।इस बात से परेशान होकर वो जंगल मे चला गया वो सोचने लगा कि अगर मैं मर जाऊंगा तो मुझे इन मुसीबतों से छुटकारा मिल जाएगा।ये सोचकर वो पेड़ की लंबी जड़ लेकर उसको पेड़ पर टांग दिया अपने गले मे डालकर लटकने की तैयारी करने लगा कि तभी उसको शेर के चिंघाड़ने की आवाज सुनाई दी।
वो वहां गया जहाँ से आवाज आ रही थी उसने देखा कि एक शेर दर्द से चिंघाड़ रहा था।उसके पैरों में कुछ चुभा हुआ था ।सुरेंद्र उस शेर के पास गया क्योंकि वो वैसे भी मरने की तैयारी में था इसलिए उसको मोत का डर नही था।
उसने शेर के पैरों से एक काँच का टुकड़ा निकाला और फिर से मरने के लिए जाने लगा ।जब वो जा रहा था तो पीछे से आवाज आई रुको।उसने पीछे देखा तो वो शेर को बोलता देखकर उसको बाद आश्चर्य हुआ कि शेर कैसे बोल सकता है।उस शेर ने कहा कि मैं तुम्हारी परेशानी जानता हूँ और मेरे पास इसका इलाज है।सुरेंद्र बोला तुम मेरी परेशानी कैसे जानते हो। शेर बोला जब तुमने मुझे कांच निकालने के लिए छुआ था।तब मैंने तुम्हारे मन के झाँककर देखलिया था कि तुमको क्या परेशानी है।
Story for kids in hindi जादुई बंगला।
उसका हल भी मेरे पास है सुरेंद्र बोला किक्या हल है मेरी परेशानी का तो वो शेर उसको जंगल के अंदर ले गया। वहां पर एक बंगला था।वो उसको उस बंगले में ले गया और कहा कि इस बंगले में तुमको खाने की कभी कमी नही होगी।तुम अपने परिवार के साथ यहाँ रहो मैं तुम्हारी और तुम्हारे परिवार की हमेशा रक्षा करूँगा।वो अपने परिवार को लेकर वहां आ गया और वही पर रहने लगा।
Moral of the story कभी भी किसी की की हुई मदद व्यर्थ नही होती।
Hello friends, welcome to hindi soch and I am your friend Mungeri Dhaliya. Friends today I have brought a new story for you. Story for kids Hindi This story is for children. Its title is story for kids in english lion and the Magical Bungalow. So let's start.
Many times he had to stay hungry because of his pottery not being sold.
One day he did not sell a single pot, thinking that he would answer to his wife when he went home, for the first two days he had not got enough food. When I die, I will get rid of these troubles. Thinking this, he took the long root of the tree and hanged it on the tree and started preparing to hang it in his neck, that is when he heard the sound of the lion's howling. I gave
He went to where the voice was coming from. He saw that a lion was chiming in pain. His feet had something pricked. Surendra went to that lion as he was preparing to die anyway so he was not afraid of death. .
He took out a piece of glass from the lion's feet and started going to die again. While he was going, the voice came from behind. He looked back and saw the lion speaking to him and wondered how the lion could speak. The lion said that I know your problem and I have a cure for it. Surendra said how do you know my problem. The lion said when you touched me to remove the glass. Then I looked into your mind and saw what was the problem.
Story for kids in english with moral.
I have his solution too, Surendra said, what is the solution for my problem, then the lion took him inside the forest. There was a bungalow there. He took him to that bungalow and said that there will never be a shortage of food in this bungalow. You stay here with your family, I will always protect you and your family. They will take their family there. Arrived and stayed there.
Moral of the story helps anyone's its your help.
Story for kids with moral A lion and the magical bungalow in hindi soch
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Story for kids with moral |
Story for kids in english with moral Lion and the magical bungalow
There was a village where a man named Surendra used to live with his wife and children. He was not very rich, he used to make and sell pots and follow his family.Many times he had to stay hungry because of his pottery not being sold.
One day he did not sell a single pot, thinking that he would answer to his wife when he went home, for the first two days he had not got enough food. When I die, I will get rid of these troubles. Thinking this, he took the long root of the tree and hanged it on the tree and started preparing to hang it in his neck, that is when he heard the sound of the lion's howling. I gave
He went to where the voice was coming from. He saw that a lion was chiming in pain. His feet had something pricked. Surendra went to that lion as he was preparing to die anyway so he was not afraid of death. .
He took out a piece of glass from the lion's feet and started going to die again. While he was going, the voice came from behind. He looked back and saw the lion speaking to him and wondered how the lion could speak. The lion said that I know your problem and I have a cure for it. Surendra said how do you know my problem. The lion said when you touched me to remove the glass. Then I looked into your mind and saw what was the problem.
Story for kids in english with moral.
I have his solution too, Surendra said, what is the solution for my problem, then the lion took him inside the forest. There was a bungalow there. He took him to that bungalow and said that there will never be a shortage of food in this bungalow. You stay here with your family, I will always protect you and your family. They will take their family there. Arrived and stayed there.
Moral of the story helps anyone's its your help.
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